Sunday, 20 April 2014

Body Shop Ginger Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Do you ever get those times of the year, when the weather starts to change, which means your scalp starts to become really itchy and flaky and it makes you feel so insecure because you just can't get rid of it? This happened to me, and it was beginning to get out of control, so I decided I would get a well needed haircut and also see if the hairdressers would be able to give me any tips on this crazy snow cloud that I had going on in the front of my head that was beginning to make me feel insecure. Turns out it wasn't actually dandruff it was actually a dry, irritated scalp. The hairdresser was lovely and said that I needed to get a sensitive scalp shampoo (which turned out to be extremely hard to find in my supermarket) so I decided what better place to try then The Body Shop, they have pretty much everything natural and hopefully they would have something that would help. Well from the day I walked in, The Body Shop has now become one of my favourites shops!

I was having a look around at all the different shampoos that they had in there range the hairdresser said that I should try one with olive oil in it, but then the lovely lady in The Body Shop I went in to started talking to me, and I ended up telling her my symptoms which was when she said to try this Ginger Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, she said that a lot of her friends had tried it as some of them suffered from dry scalp and some even had eczema on there scalp and it had worked wonders for them. But I know that everybody has different reactions to different products, but I thought why not give this a go and see what happens.

Well I couldn't ask for a better product! I don't think I will ever go back to using a normal shampoo, I know that this is maybe a little bit more money then what you would spend on a normal shampoo, but it's something that works so well for my hair, and one that makes it feel clean and look fresh and I no longer feel insecure as all the horrible flakiness has disappeared! You don't even need to use that much on your hand literally a 10p sized amount is perfect all you need to do is rub it in your hands a little bit to get the foaming going and then place it on your hair and start scrubbing. Personally I don't think this shampoo has one of the best smells in the world it is pretty bland, but if it does the job you can't complain, and what I usually like to do is use a normal conditioner once I have shampooed my hair so that makes my hair nice and smooth and smell fresh.

Have any of you ever had problems with your hair like this before? Anybody have any tips on what they have used in the past? Let me know in the comments below.



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